January 30, 2024
Based on the latest data from the ASMBS (American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery), the number of surgeries performed jumped by 32% in 2021, to 262,893. This happened during the pandemic, which is surprising, since many elective procedures were postponed. This was about 25% higher than Marketdata’s estimate in our March 2023 report on the U.S. weight loss market.
The value of this market then, is estimated to be valued at $6.57 billion two years ago, based on the average cost of such surgeries of about $25,000.
Statistics from the ASMBS are always lagged by a few years, so we are unable to see what the growth or decline was in 2022 and 2023.
The Sleeve procedure is the most common, accounting for 58% of all surgeries, the same as in 2016.
Need More Weight Loss Market Analyses?
Marketdata has tracked the weight loss market for 35 years, with 50+ published market studies, custom research projects and consulting. Our largest and most comprehensive report is: “The U.S. Weight Loss & Diet Control Market”, March 2023 (contains a chapter on the weight loss surgery market). See: marketdataenterprises.com for a Table of Contents, Sample pages, or to order the study ($1,395). Call Marketdata at: 813-971-8080. Email: john at marketdataenterprises.com. We love talking about the weight loss market. Pick our brains any time!