May 13, 2014 – John LaRosa, MBA, the nation’s 25-year analyst of the U.S. weight loss market and author of 50 in-depth weight loss market studies, has just launched a new video channel of teleseminars covering various weight loss topics, as follows:
Go here to access the channel hosted by Pivotshare:
The seminars available so far (more to come) are:
* Status Report of the Total U.S. Weight Loss Market (54 min.)
* Understanding the American Dieter – Demographics (22 min.)
* So You Want to Open A Commercial Weight Loss Center (35)
* Why Investing in Rx Diet Drugs Is A Crapshoot (13 min.)
* Weight Loss Opportunities created by Obamacare (14 min.)
* So You Want To Open A Medical Weight Loss Clinic (38 min.)
* Investing in Public Weight Loss Companies (30 min.)
The seminars consist of video/audio commentary by Mr. LaRosa, coupled with detailed PowerPoint slides. They are priced from $9.99 to $49.99 – none higher. Or, you can rent them for even less.
Perfect for those new to this market, who want to get up to speed quickly yet comprehensively.
Coming soon…
* So You Want To Be A Weight Loss Coach
* The Multi-level Weight Loss Market
* How To Make Money With A Weight Loss Website.
We have also created a self-improvement market channel
Now available:
* How To Become A Self-improvement Guru/Expert (17 min.)
* The Total Self-improvement Market: Status Report & Forecast (43)
* Personal Coaching – A Popular Profession (19 min.)
Coming soon…
* Investment Opportunities in the Self-improvement Market
* Why All Successful Self-improvement Gurus Start With A Book