opened 30 franchise centers nationwide. By 2010, Itrim was represented by franchisees in Sweden’s largest towns and cities. In order to reach and help a larger proportion of the population, It was then decided to also offer the Itrim program to successful fitness facilities in the country’s smaller towns through licensing. At present they have six licensee centers and plans to open another ten during this year. The company is also looking at the international market, starting their expansion in the US and in Germany. The first center in the U.S. is opening in San Francisco 2012. In Germany, the first centers opens in Cologne 2012.
This firm’s method is called the “Palm portion system”. It is based on a well balanced diet, regular meal plans and correct portion sizes. The company has its own line of meal replacements. Itrim’s weight loss program is for two years, you sign contracts for at least one year at a time. They divide the first year into two phases: The Weight loss phase and the Improvement phase. The program’s second year is the “Balance phase”.
A scientific study that reviewed Itrim’s weight loss results shows that members on average lose 10.8 kg (23.8 lbs) with a waistline reduction of 11.8 cm (4.65 in) during the first weeks. The company claims that this result lasts even after an entire year.