New Marketdata Status Report Released
Marketdata Enterprises has just released a new 54-page “2014 Weight Loss Status Report & Forecast”. This promises to be another challenging year for the diet market, as revenues were estimated to have actually declined 1.8% last year to $60.5 billion, and they are only expected to grow by 1.2% this year.
One of the major findings and predictions is that the market is entering a new phase, where SERVICES become more important and grow faster than diet PRODUCTS, due in part to the Affordable Care Act.
Sales of diet soft drinks, artificial sweeteners and diet dinner entrees are falling significantly as consumers turn away from high processed foods and non-natural ingredients. Commercial chains had a bad year and most other market segments were flat.
The report covers discussions of: 2013 market performance, recent competitor developments and top management turnover, Nestle’s sale of Jenny Craig, new programs for 2014 diet season (by Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem), the coming paradigm shift from diet PRODUCTS to diet SERVICES, dieter demographics/latest trends, why the Affordable Care Act can be profitable for companies providing counseling (who qualifies?), CVS drugstore chain enters market with mini-clinic program, threat posed by Walmart, weight loss & fitness apps – how big a threat?, new diet books, reasons why market growth is slow – how diet companies can execute better, customize programs, form new retail partnerships, and more.
See the Table of Contents here
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